A protective system that doesn't censor.

All traditional content moderation systems are fundamentally broken because they allow one authority to have all the power. Freeer's transparent and open source system uses AI to detect illegal content while allowing independent third parties to oversee what has been banned to ensure full transparency and true censorship resistance.

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It's Complicated...

If you think free speech on social networks can be enabled by simply letting anyone post whatever they want, you are wrong. We all know that there are harmful individuals out there, with no rule set Freeer would be full of child exploitation and other highly illegal content. If that’s what you are looking for, you don’t want true free speech, you want to commit crimes, and Freeer is not the place for that. Only a safe environment allows all voices to be heard.


How we enable true free speech on Freeer:

Freedom of speech is about allowing every view, no matter how "socially accepted" it is. But in order to enable that, we need a respectful environment that allows for open discourse, not a toxic space where people attack each other. And that is why it is crucial to identify when an opinion turns into an attack.

AI to keep Freeer save.
Freeer AI will detect illegal content and take appropriate action. Our transparent moderation system will ensure full transparency while protecting you from scams. explicit content...
Privacy and anonymity.
No matter which discoveries or data you share, you can always choose to conceal your identity whenever you deem it necessary.
Giving control to users.
You control which algorithms serve your content, how your data is used, and what information is shown publicly.
Full Decentralization.
Our hosting infrastructure, codebase, and payment options will be completely decentralized to insure independence and prevent data loss.
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We promote content that is based on facts, no matter if it comes from the mainstream media or an independent creator.

We carefully review new entries from our community one by one to make sure they meet high-quality design and functionality standards. From multipurpose themes to niche templates, you’ll always find something that catches your eye.


We focus on finding the truth, instead of censoring misinformation.

Neurodiverse and unique sources.
Analyze multiple perspectives.
Lighting fast AI summaries.
AI assisted fact and information cross-checking.
Read in-between the lines to highlight discrepancies.
Identify credible evidence.
Automated source verification.

More information will be available soon

Want to know more?

If Freeer receives enough interest, we will obviously develop a more comprehensive rule set that takes rare and complicated scenarios into account. For any suggestions you can Tweet at us @FreeerNet


Putting an end to scams.

Combine seamlessly fitting layouts, customize everything you.


Putting an end to scams.

We implemented several mesures

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