Time for a truly decentralized social network.

Imagine being able to talk, support, invest, and monetize without the presence of godlike authority that can stop you at any time? Freeer will make that dream real.

Imagine being able to talk, support, and monetize without the presence of godlike authority that can censor you at any time? Freeer will make that dream real.

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Open Source Code Transparent Moderation Easy & Fair Monetization Fully Decentralized

The platform we need, but never got.

Let’s be honest, true freedom of speech on social media never existed. Critical voices are being suppressed, and it’s only getting worse. With Freeer we want to build a decentralized platform that respects our right to freedom of opinion and expression whilst also offering many revolutionary features to ensure privacy, support great things, and encourage civil discussions.

Decentralized & Fully Open Source

The Freeer Network is decentralized and partially open-sourced to ensure excellent security and censorship resistance.

Revolutionary Features & no ADS

On Freeer privacy isn't an option, it's the standard. Your DMs are fully encrypted and we don't collect or sell any of your data.

Transparently Moderated

We can't censor voices, but use a transparent process that can be overseen by 3rd parties to ban illicit content.

We couldn't care less about you.

All we are is the platform. And that's how it should be.

Freeer is more then communication
We implemented many revolutionary features that will change how people interact digitally.
We don't control, you do.
You decide which data you share and the content you want to see on Freeer. No BS or hidden settings, we promise.
We are everywhere.
Freeer's decentralized infrastructure is developed, maintained and monitored by our community members around the world to ensure stability.

Our Development Timeline:

Concept Phase

Just fancy UI/UX prototypes and feature reveals to showcase our platform to people.

Funding & Development

If we secure the funding from investors, we will make Freeer real.
*There's a good chance that we get here.

Closed Beta

We tell people that they are special, but in reality, we use them as our lab rats.

Public Release

Freeer will be downloadable for Android & iOS. The web version will be coming a bit later.

Freedom of speech is a hypercomplex topic...

Freedom of speech is a hypercomplex topic...

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as just allowing everything to be posted on Freeer. If we would, Freeer would be banned in every country and full of illicit material. But that does not mean that we censor voices.

Freedom of speech is a hypercomplex topic...

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered below, feel free to reach out and we will make sure to get back to you.

Nope, not yet. For now, the Freeer Network is just a concept, but if the Freeer Network project gets enough support, we will make Freeer real.

As of right now, we can't give you a specific release date, but we highly recommend you follow us on Twitter @FreeerNet for updates.

Freeer will be free to use for everyone, did you not catch the "free" in "Freeer"? But we will also offer paid subscriptions that give you unique perks so we can sustain and develop the network.

Mark Zuckerberg. Just joking, it's @silaselz and his team.

*For legal reasons we are required to clarify that Mr. Zuckerberg or Meta Platforms, Inc. is not associated in any way shape or form with Freeer.

No, right now Freeer is nothing more than a concept. If the project receives enough support, we will consider creating a foundation under which the Freeer Network could operate.

We are aiming for it but can't guarantee that all the currently planned features will be fully implemented when the Freeer Network goes online. We will certainly be adding new features and integrations all the time as Freeer evolves.

No, Freeer is the entire network. You will be able to access it as a web app on mobile and as a website on desktop. We would love to develop an app for iOS & Android too, but the insane cut that App & Play Store take from every in-app purchase would not allow us to keep prices and fees extremely low for users. We would also be subjected to their rules which would likely get Freeer banned at some point. But if that changes we are open to developing apps too. Otherwise, since Freeer is open source,  third party developers can give it a try.

The fastest way to submit suggestions or ask questions is to tweet at us @FreeerNet For everything else, please visit our CONTACT page.